The SEA+ Conference on Biodiversity and Biotechnology 2018

Population and Structure of Cinnamomum sintoc Stands in the Lowland Forest of Mount Ciremai National Park, West Java, as the Basis for Sustainable Use

Agus Yadi Ismail (1)

(1) Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Kuningan

Building: Java Heritage Convention
Room: Room I
Date: 2018-11-06 15:45 – 16:00
Last modified: 2019-04-09


Cinnamomum sintoc is one type of medicinal plants having anti-helminthic and anti-inflammatory properties in which its roots, bark, and leaves can produce essential oils. This study aimed to analyze the population and structure of C. sintoc in Mount Ciremai National Park. Data were collected based on a plotline method which was made purposively at each slope direction and altitude. Research has recorded 804 individuals from all growth stages. The population density was not significantly different for all diameter classes based on slope and altitude, but significantly different between slopes for Stratum B (p=0.001) and E (p=0.012). These results indicated that the sintok population was dispersed regularly, could be cultivated in various slope directions and altitude, as well as have no preference for the two topographic variables

Agus Yadi Ismail


antihelminthic;, inflamation; essential oil; medicinal plants