The SEA+ Conference on Biodiversity and Biotechnology 2018

Characterization of Marker Compounds on Javanese Turmeric Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Alanindra Saputra (1) , Yudi Rinanto (2) , Joko Ariyanto (3) , Dinar Sari Cahyaningrum (4) , Binti Qoeroti (5)

(1) Sebelas Maret University

Building: Java Heritage Convention
Room: Room II
Date: 2018-11-06 10:45 – 11:00
Last modified: 2019-04-09


Curcuma xanthorhiza is a plant from the Zingiberaceae family that commonly grows in Indonesia. This plant is widely used for traditional medicine, food spices, beverages, cosmetics, and coloring agents especially food coloring. Drought stress treatment (K) showed a significant effect on the C. xanthorhiza plant height. Two-day watering of the plants (K3)  had a negative effect on plant height. Sukoharjo variety which received daily watering produced the largest and heaviest tuber among three varieties tested. Secondary metabolites of xanthorrhizol and curcumin were identified in the rhizome of Sukoharjo Javanese turmeric with a relative concentration of 1.25 ± 0.46 and 1.53 ± 0.54.

Alanindra Saputra

Yudi Rinanto

Joko Ariyanto

Dinar Sari Cahyaningrum

Binti Qoeroti



Curcuma; drought; metabolite; NMR

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